A nom fiction book I read was a book about Malcom X called "Malcom X." If you don't know who Malcom X is then you really should look him up or research him. I chose this book because of what I've heard about Malcom X and is more outlandish ways in the civial right era. Teaching such as his is still relevant sadly in our time and age. So just a brief explanation Malcom X is he is a civil rights movement leader and a innovative leader at that.
So this book is a biography about Malcom X who differed from civil right leaders such as Martin Luther King. His approach was not peaceful but he felt like the only way to get things done was through being forceful. Throughout the biography you learn about his gambling, drug, family and overall society issues. Again he was a civil rights movement leader if you don't know what that was he was basically was heavily in favor of changing life for African Americans in the U.S. Overall the book is enjoyable and I liked reading what was going through Malcom X mind.
Malcolm X had a huge role in the Civil Rights Movements and that is a really good book to read.