Sunday, October 9, 2016

SummerSixteen Trip

      This summer I took a trip to Texas for my aunts graduation of medical school. My Cousin, Dad, and I took a 13 hour road trip to a lake house in Tyler, Texas. There we stayed for about 5 days, from Wensday To Sunday. It was pretty lit. We barbaqued, swam in a lake that was right in front of the house. The day of the actually graduation was my favorite day. After her graduation ceremony we all went back to the house and ordered like 8 boxes of pizza and just chilled inside and talked. Oh yeah, my cousins I haven't seen in like 8 years were there along with my dad's brother and his wife who I never met. The highlight of this trip was a green and white jet ski that my uncle and dad played around with until my cousins and I got on a disc like object and were pulled around the water. So all in all this was the best thing I did all summer.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Summer Reading Blog

      47 is written by Walter Mosley and throughout this book we follow a young slave orphan who has to deal with the trial and tribulations that an ideal slave would have to live with. His master is brutal and he is constant fear of of being beaten or tortured. That is until he meets a runaway slave named tall John John who opens his mind to different of the world such as freedom.
   In the book 47 the main character (47) faces plenty of external conflict that goes on as slavery is a horrific and egregious. First conflict that is noticeable is the change of him living in the farm with big momma to having to live with field slaves in their own living quarters. In these quarters he is branded unwillingly by another older slave. Also there is some internal conflict as 47 as he is a field slave is brainwashed into thinking there is no freedom and slavery as he thinks of himself as just another “nigger.”

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Where I see myself in 10 years.

      This is usually a difficult question for me to answer. At this point in time in my life I feel like I have not expirenced enough to know what I truly want to do in life. But I do know the generalities , and that is that I want to be successful, happy and unburdened. What I mean by unburnded is I don't want to live my life with a chip on my shoulder. Constantly reminding me of failure or inconsistency. I want to live like I am doing what my true calling or potential is. So where I see myself in 10 years can only be decided by future events. But for me that answer is too vague. I want to see myself working with sometime of technology or media, such as being part of a advertising agency. I feel like I can create a pursasive ads and draw consumers. Also I love sports so maybe I can work at a media company like ESPN. These jobs are where I would most likely feel I can succeed at. That is what a 10 year peak in my future would look like for me, success and happiness.